Airbnb Materials Graphic DesignContact: +44 (0) 117 318 5499 | E: [email protected]
Calling all landlords!
Enhance your Airbnb or guests' experience with my brochures, booklets, customised illustrations, posters and more. "We were so pleased with Emily's interpretation of our Gite and how she managed to get us into the picture to give it real character. The way she used the illustration in the background of our printed information sheets and laid it out clearly, gave it a professional touch we could not achieve ourselves." Airbnb owner, Nicky. |
It's attention to detail and the little things that help you secure a 5-star rating on Airbnb and other holiday listing platforms. Want to give your guests an extra-special experience that will turn them into repeat customers? Here are some ideas of how I can help: