Case Study - Logo, brochure, website, adverts, social media banners, Christmas cards and car stickers for Rosettes Unlimited
Contact: +44 (0) 117 318 5499 | E: [email protected]
I have been working with Emily for many years now, on my initial website design and then my brochure. The quality of her work and attention to detail is excellent, backed up by outstanding customer service. I would highly recommend! I brought the Rosettes Unlimited logo to life as a vector, built the website and have been designing various marketing materials ever since.
I have maintained a fantastic working relationship with the company and produce a yearly brochure, banners, flyers, car stickers, business cards and update the logo. The website performs really well and attracted attention from the Sunday Times Lifestyle Magazine. Visit the live site here: |
Every year I update the Rosettes Unlimited Brochure. My design skills have made sure that the branding and style, which suits the subject, is never out of date and always makes the product shine. See the latest brochure here: